Software Alternatives & Reviews

Top 9 Security & Privacy Products in Tool

The best Security & Privacy Products within the Tool category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Pi-hole, KeePass, and NextDNS. All products here are categorized as: Software focused on protecting data, networks, and systems from unauthorized access, breaches, and other digital threats, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of information. General category for applications or software that perform specific tasks or functions. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. Pi-hole is a multi-platform, network-wide ad blocker.
    • Open Source

    #Security & Privacy #Ad Blockers #Threat Detection And Prevention 1185 social mentions

  2. KeePass is an open source password manager. Passwords can be stored in highly-encrypted databases, which can be unlocked with one master password or key file.
    • Open Source

    #Security & Privacy #Password Management #Password Managers 206 social mentions

  3. Block ads, trackers and malicious websites on all your devices.

    #Security & Privacy #Threat Detection And Prevention #Ad Blockers 496 social mentions

  4. Surf the Web Ad-Free and Safely. Shield up!

    #Security & Privacy #Ad Blockers #Block Ads 85 social mentions

  5. The best ad blocker for Android. Free and open source.
    • Open Source

    #Security & Privacy #Ad Blockers #Threat Detection And Prevention 236 social mentions

  6. Dashlane is a secure way to bypass tedious logins, forms, and purchases online. Save all of your information and save time in your online transactions.

    #Password Management #Password Managers #Security & Privacy 7 social mentions

  7. AdBlock Plus is a browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and several other popular browsers that prevents intrusive ads like pop-ups and malicious code from appearing on websites you visit.

    #Security & Privacy #Ad Blockers #Privacy 65 social mentions

  8. Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird.
    • Open Source

    #Security & Privacy #Ad Blockers #Privacy 3 social mentions

  9. SponsorBlock is an open-source crowdsourced browser extension to skip sponsor segments in YouTube videos.
    • Open Source

    #Security & Privacy #Ad Blockers #OS & Utilities 360 social mentions

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