Software Alternatives & Reviews
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SaaSHub's community requirements

As this is a community of software makers and marketers helping each other grow, we have some requirements for all participants. Their goal is to ensure a high quality of content so that everyone can enjoy their time here.

These are the technical requirements:

  1. A user account with a verified email address.
    • You need to verify or submit a product that is approved.
    • or
    • Take part in SaaSHub Experts and gain 42 rating.
      You can earn that rating in less than a week of daily participation.

These are the moral/human requirements:

  • Be a good and kind person.
  • Be respectful of others.
  • Be helpful and constructive.
  • It is OK to promote your product(s), as long as you don't SPAM.

Thanks for taking the time joining us and reading this.
