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Top 9 Realtime Backend / API Products in Group Chat & Notifications

The best Realtime Backend / API Products within the Group Chat & Notifications category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Pufferpanel, Linux Game Server Managers, and PaperMC. All products here are categorized as: Platforms providing backend services and APIs for real-time applications and data management. Tools for managing and customizing notifications. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. It's made for hosting your Minecraft server. It's open source.
    • Open Source

    #Gaming #Group Chat & Notifications #Realtime Backend / API 5 social mentions

  2. The command line tool for quick, simple deployment and management of dedicated game servers.
    • Open Source

    #Group Chat & Notifications #Gaming #Realtime Backend / API 31 social mentions

  3. Paper is a fork of the Spigot server implementation (which is itself a fork of CraftBukkit). Paper strives to bring improved performance, more features, and more APIs for developers to build awesome plugins with.
    • Open Source

    #Hosting #Cloud Hosting #Gaming 177 social mentions

  4. OGP is a game server control panel.

    #Gaming #Group Chat & Notifications #Realtime Backend / API 1 social mentions

  5. A Game Server Manager works on Windows Platform.

    #Group Chat & Notifications #Gaming #Realtime Backend / API 4 social mentions

  6. GameTracker is your one-stop social network for gamers with game server stats, website plugins, and...

    #Group Chat & Notifications #Network & Admin #Realtime Backend / API 13 social mentions

  7. Crafty is a wrapper for a Minecraft server which runs in the background.

    #Gaming #Group Chat & Notifications #Realtime Backend / API 30 social mentions

  8. With it’s flexible design and powerful features TCAdmin© was designed from the ground up to...

    #Gaming #Group Chat & Notifications #Realtime Backend / API

  9. McMyAdmin is a web interface and administration utility for Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP)...

    #Gaming #Group Chat & Notifications #Realtime Backend / API 1 social mentions

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