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Top 9 Productivity Products in Custom Search

The best Productivity Products within the Custom Search category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Raycast, Station, and Slapdash. All products here are categorized as: Tools and applications designed to increase efficiency and productivity in personal and professional tasks. Platforms for creating tailored search engines or enhancing search functionalities. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. Fastest way to control Jira, GitHub and other web apps
    • Open Source

    #Productivity #App Launcher #Mac 35 social mentions

  2. NOTE: Station has been discontinued.
    Station unifies all your work tools in one neat & productive interface.
    • Free
    • Free Trial

    #Productivity #Chrome Extensions #Knowledge Search

  3. Fastest way to work across your cloud apps ⚡️

    #Productivity #App Launcher #Mac 4 social mentions

  4. Algolia's Search API makes it easy to deliver a great search experience in your apps & websites. Algolia Search provides hosted full-text, numerical, faceted and geolocalized search.

    #Search API #Custom Search #Custom Search Engine 3 social mentions

  5. NOTE: Command E has been discontinued.
    Work Way Faster
    • Free
    • Free Trial

    #Productivity #Chrome Extensions #App Launcher 7 social mentions

  6. Create and download custom graph, lined, or dot grid paper

    #Office & Productivity #Online Services #Productivity

  7. 9
    Your smart search 🔍 assistant across personal cloud ☁️

    #Productivity #App Launcher #Search Engine

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