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Top 9 Product Management Products in Product Information Management

The best Product Management Products within the Product Information Management category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Akeneo, inRiver, and Vendorpath. All products here are categorized as: Tools for managing product development and lifecycle. Tools for managing product listings and descriptions (PIM). One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. 1
    Akeneo is an open-source Product Information Management solution.
    • Open Source

    #Product Information Management #Digital Asset Management #Product Management

  2. inRiver offers product information management solutions helping B2C and B2B multi-channel commerce tell perfect stories across channels.

    #Product Information Management #Product Management #Digital Asset Management

  3. VendorPath is an automated product information sourcing solution.

    #Product Information Management #Product Management #Digital Asset Management

  4. Alkemics is a multi-channel product page management platform.

    #Product Information Management #Product Management #Digital Asset Management

  5. Pimcore is an award-winning data management and customer experience management software.
    • Open Source
    • Free
    • Free Trial

    #Product Information Management #Digital Asset Management #eCommerce Platform 2 social mentions

  6. NOTE: Quable PIM has been discontinued.
    Quable PIM is a simple and collaborative SaaS platform that optimizes Product Information Management and omnichannel distribution. Quable revolutionizes the management of your product sheets, makes your data more reliable and boosts your sales.

    #Product Information Management #Product Management #Digital Asset Management

  7. Webcollage is a SaaS solution enabling brands to manage rich product information and publish it in real time to retailer websites.

    #Product Information Management #Product Management #Digital Asset Management

  8. Perfion offers PIM solutions for organizations to use it across all their present and future marketing and commerce channels.

    #Product Information Management #Product Management #Digital Asset Management

  9. Agility Multichannel offers product information management (PIM) solutions for eCommerce businesses.

    #Product Information Management #Product Management #Digital Asset Management

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