Exception, uptime, and performance monitoring for Ruby.Pricing:
- Open Source
- Official Pricing
It was easy to follow the Honeybadger for Elixir documentation to add exception and error tracking. The written documentation is clear and concise. If you prefer video, there is also a Getting Started video. We added the Honeybadger package to our mix.exs file, updated our project config, and then added a couple lines of code to the Router module. If you are deployed to Heroku, there is also a Heroku Add-on for easy integration through the Heroku marketplace.
#Error Tracking #Exception Monitoring #Monitoring Tools 2 social mentions
From error tracking to performance monitoring, developers can see what actually matters, solve quicker, and learn continuously about their applications - from the frontend to the backend.
Sentry provides an Elixir-specific getting started guide to walk you through setup. It also provides an Elixir SDK you can add as a mix.exs package. Sentry limits email support to only customers on certain plans. However, it does offer a community forum to ask questions.
#Error Tracking #Exception Monitoring #Monitoring Tools 53 social mentions
We monitor the software that makes your customers happy.Pricing:
- Freemium
- Free Trial
- Official Pricing
AppSignal had the easiest installation of all the services we tried. Once you sign up, it immediately walks you through onboarding. First you add the :appsignal_phoenix hex package. Then you run mix appsignal.install YOUR_PUSH_API_KEY from the command line. It guides you through a setup sequence right in the terminal. Based on what you select, AppSignal injects the required config and code into your project. When you receive errors, the dashboard allows you to view, triage, and resolve errors. However, AppSignal’s dashboard seemed to make you search around for error details more than the other services.
#Monitoring Tools #Error Tracking #Performance Monitoring 7 social mentions