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The 5 Best Reverse Engineering Software for 2022

  1. 1
    Software Reverse Engineering (SRE) Framework
    • Open Source
    Ghidra's graphical user interface (GUI) is built on Java's Swing framework with a decompiler written in C++ and plugins written in Python. Besides its reverse engineering capabilities, Ghidra features powerful debugging features for both Windows and Linux.6

    #Developer Tools #Software Development #SRE 64 social mentions

  2. The Hacker’s Multitool
    Cerbero Suite is one of the more popular reverse engineering software, with tools for both hex and PE editing. It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture and has tools for editing .NET files, disassembly, signature management, and file scanning. The Advanced version of the Cerbero Suite includes a Sleigh decompiler, crash dump analysis, a native UI for Ghidra, and additional forensics formats.7

    #Developer Tools #Software Development #SRE 1 social mentions

  3. 3


    The best-of-breed binary code analysis tool, an indispensable item in the toolbox of world-class software analysts, reverse engineers, malware analyst and cybersecurity professionals.
    The interactive nature of the IDA Pro disassembler means you can change elements of the displayed data in real-time, including functions, variables, names, and library functions. It's written in C++ and runs on Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. The IDA Pro platform benefits from several plugins, the most notable of which is the Hex-Rays decompiler. With this tool, software developers can unpack the native C++ processor code of multiple architecture types.8

    #IDE #Software Development #Decompiler 10 social mentions

  4. 4

    Relocation Section Editor

    This product hasn't been added to SaaSHub yet
    4. Relocation Section EditorRelocation Section Editor is a type of reverse engineering software aimed at achieving a specific goal rather than unpacking the entire code. Developers use it to edit or remove the relocation table found in executable files, which is a part of that program that directs code to the appropriate place. When patching software or adding new code to the program, it's important to edit the relocation table and direct the code as required. In some instances, the relocation table can be removed entirely so long as you specify this change in the PE header.9

  5. API Monitor is a software that monitors and displays API calls made by applications and services. Its a powerful tool for seeing how Windows and other applications work or tracking down problems that you have in your own applications
    API Monitor includes individual versions for monitoring both 32-bit and 64-bit applications, with definitions for over 15,000 APIs, 1,800 COM interfaces, and almost 200 DLL files. The latest version supports breakpoints, structural decoding, arrays, unions, and enumerated data types. API Monitor runs on both Windows Desktop and Server and includes a portable version that doesn't require installation.11

    #Monitoring Tools #API Tools #APIs

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