NOTE: Paytm has been discontinued.Paytm is a massively used mobile application that offers a simple way to send or receive money using QR Code Scanner.
Clearly, Paytm has the shortest T on all 3 days. They processed payments on holidays too. Holidays in India are unpredictable; for example, Bharat Bandh and Karnataka Bandh happened from nowhere, so we'll have to see how Paytm behaves on unscheduled holidays.
#Online Payments #Finance #Payment Platform 1 social mentions
Payment gateway solution for India with robust, developer friendly API and simple economic pricing.Pricing:
Payment gateways take many actions when they receive payments; one of them is sending an email to the payer. Both Razorpay and Instamojo do this. But I don't like them sending emails to my customers. Its too obtrusive for my taste. When I buy a computer I don't want to receive one email from Intel thanking me for buying their chip, another email from Microsoft or Apple thanking me for buying their operating system, yet another email from Seagate thanking me for buying their hard disk. Who cares who manufactures a part in a finished product? I bought a computer, not a hard disk, or an operating system.
#Online Payments #Payment Platform #Recurring Billing 9 social mentions
Instamojo helps you setup a Payment Gateway in India for Free Online. Collect Payments on your Website, Mobile App, via Social Media, eMail, SMS & more!Pricing:
Razorpay agreed to stop sending emails but Instamojo said they can't. I don't use Instamojo anymore.
#Payment Gateways #Credit Card Payments #eCommerce