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Make Your WordPress Search Powerful with Algolia and 9 others

  1. Algolia's Search API makes it easy to deliver a great search experience in your apps & websites. Algolia Search provides hosted full-text, numerical, faceted and geolocalized search.
    Algolia is enterprise-ready and got a FREE plan as well. If you are owning a small site or want to see how it works, signup for community edition.

    #Search API #Custom Search #Custom Search Engine 3 social mentions

  2. ElasticPress is a fast and flexible search and query engine for WordPress.
    If you are or interested to use ElasticSearch SaaS from Qbox,,, etc. then this is a go-to plugin.

    #Wordpress #Wordpress Plugins #Custom Search Engine

  3. 3

    AWS CloudSearch

    This product hasn't been added to SaaSHub yet
    Improve default WordPress search functionality with Search Everything FREE plugin. It’s one of the famous search plugins with more than 90,000 active installed.

  4. Ajax Search Pro is the best live search engine plugin for WordPress. Customizable, more efficient and beautiful replacement of the default WordPress search bar. Supports WooCommerce and all custom post types as well.
    You don’t require any hosted search service to use Ajax Search Pro. I was amazed at the features it provides out of the box at the lowest cost.

    #Web Development Tools #WordPress Developement #Site Search

  5. The simplest way to add search to your website or application. Sign up for free.
    Site search by Swiftype is perfect for a content-based online business like a news site, eCommerce store, etc.

    #Custom Search Engine #Search API #Custom Search

  6. 6

    WP AutoComplete Search

    This product hasn't been added to SaaSHub yet
    Improve default WordPress search functionality with Search Everything FREE plugin. It’s one of the famous search plugins with more than 90,000 active installed.

  7. 7

    Search Everything

    This product hasn't been added to SaaSHub yet
    Improve default WordPress search functionality with Search Everything FREE plugin. It’s one of the famous search plugins with more than 90,000 active installed.

  8. Relevanssi replaces the standard WordPress search with a better search engine, with lots of features and configurable options.

    #Custom Search Engine #Custom Search #Search API

  9. Jump-to-word buttons and highlighting for the search box content

    #Surveys #Tool #CDN

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