Software Alternatives & Reviews

Web Development Tools and Resources

  1. Community-based Q&A part of the Stack Exchange platform.
    Stack Overflow (Visit Site) - As a community Q&A platform, Stack Overflow is indispensable for troubleshooting and advice on coding issues. It caters to all levels of developers, from beginners to experts.

    #Knowledge Sharing #Questions And Answers #Communication 873 social mentions

  2. Interactive coding screencasts created in an instant
    Scrimba (Visit Site) - Scrimba offers interactive coding screencasts that allow learners to edit code and see the results in real-time. It's an innovative way to learn coding through direct interaction.

    #Online Learning #Education #Online Courses 143 social mentions

  3. Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is run by Paul Graham's investment fund and startup incubator, Y Combinator.
    • Open Source
    Hacker News (Visit Site) - Hacker News offers news and discussions related to technology and programming. It's a source of information and inspiration for developers interested in the tech industry's latest developments.

    #Social Networks #Social News #Startups 495 social mentions

  4. 4
    Glitch is the friendly community where everyone builds the web. Simple, powerful interface for creating web apps.
    • Open Source
    • Free
    • Free Trial
    Glitch (Visit Site) - Glitch provides a collaborative coding platform for building web apps. It supports real-time collaboration and instant deployment, making it a powerful tool for learning and development.

    #Text Editors #Cloud Hosting #Code Collaboration 109 social mentions

  5. 5
    Originally founded as a project to simplify sharing code, GitHub has grown into an application used by over a million people to store over two million code repositories, making GitHub the largest code host in the world.

    #Code Collaboration #Git #Version Control 2019 social mentions

  6. Frontend Masters offers frontend engineering courses.

    #Online Learning #Online Courses #Online Education 87 social mentions

  7. Learn the best JavaScript tools and frameworks from industry pros. Video tutorials for badass web developers.
    Pricing: (Visit Site) - Specializing in short, instructional videos on web development tools and libraries, is perfect for developers looking to quickly learn new technologies or frameworks.

    #Online Learning #Online Courses #Online Education 38 social mentions

  8. 8
    Where software engineers connect, build their resumes, and grow. (Visit Site) - A community of developers sharing knowledge and resources, is a platform where programmers can stay updated on the latest trends, learn new skills, and connect with others.

    #CMS #Blogging #Blogging Platform 371 social mentions

  9. CSS-Tricks is a website about websites.

    #CSS #CSS Tutorials #CSS Tricks 125 social mentions

  10. 10
    A front end web development playground.
    CodePen (Visit Site) - A social development environment for front-end designers and developers, CodePen allows users to share and collaborate on code snippets. It's a great platform for inspiration and experimentation.

    #Text Editors #Programming #Code Collaboration 480 social mentions

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