Privacy tool for transparency and controlPricing:
Here we present a detailed analysis of the performance of some of the most popular content-blocker engines: uBlock Origin, Adblock Plus, Brave, DuckDuckGo and Cliqz/Ghostery's advanced adblocker (shipped since Ghostery 8), which we will refer to as Ghostery for the rest of the article.
#Security & Privacy #Privacy #Ad Blockers
Fast and secure, ad and tracker blocking browser.Pricing:
- Open Source
Now if we remove Brave, we see that there are still differences between uBlock Origin, Ghostery, Adblock Plus and DuckDuckGo. One reason Ghostery is slower than uBlock Origin and AdblockPlus here is that to achieve maximum performance while matching as well as minimize memory usage, there is a bit more work to do up-front. In practice this does not matter so much since it is a one-time operation and that subsequent loads are performed from cache, and this is really fast (in fact, we can even perform the parsing backend-side and just ship the serialized version of the blocker, which removes this step completely).
#Web Browsers #Web Development Tools #Web Tools 577 social mentions
DuckDuckGo AdBlocker
This product hasn't been added to SaaSHub yet -
Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird.Pricing:
- Open Source
All blockers except uBlock Origin are available as JavaScript libraries which can be loaded in Node.js. To allow comparing uBlock Origin as well, we had to extract the static network filtering engine out of the extension. The version of uBlock Origin running in this benchmark does not make use of the Webassembly version of domain matching.
#Security & Privacy #Ad Blockers #Privacy 3 social mentions
AdBlock Plus is a browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and several other popular browsers that prevents intrusive ads like pop-ups and malicious code from appearing on websites you visit.
Now if we remove Brave, we see that there are still differences between uBlock Origin, Ghostery, Adblock Plus and DuckDuckGo. One reason Ghostery is slower than uBlock Origin and AdblockPlus here is that to achieve maximum performance while matching as well as minimize memory usage, there is a bit more work to do up-front. In practice this does not matter so much since it is a one-time operation and that subsequent loads are performed from cache, and this is really fast (in fact, we can even perform the parsing backend-side and just ship the serialized version of the blocker, which removes this step completely).
#Security & Privacy #Ad Blockers #Privacy 65 social mentions