Software Alternatives & Reviews

What productivity tools are most useful

  1. Background screening and employee assessment solution

    #HR #Hiring And Recruitment #HR Tools

  2. Time Tracking and Time Management Software that is accurate and helps you to get a lot more done each day.
    Especially when remote working and work-from-home is becoming the norm, you need a toollike Time Doctor to keep track of your entire team. It creates a summary of the time spent oneach project, client, and task. You can monitor how much time your employees are spending oncomputer, social media and idle time. Time Doctor can sync with leading project managementand accounting tools and it is compatible with all devices and supports Windows, Mac, Linux,Android, iOS, and Chrome operating systems.

    #Time Tracking #Invoicing #Time Management

  3. Music designed for the brain to enhance focus, relaxation, meditation, naps and sleep within 10 - 15 minutes of use.
    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. If you are the kind of person who likes to listen tomusic while working, you are not alone. is a productivity application that uses music tostimulate the brain and helps to boost focus. While most music will try to grab your attention, ensures attention-grabbing elements are subdued or removed. All you need is just 15minutes to see noticeable results. So, if you want to focus, relax or meditate, just subscribe

    #Music #Focus #Meditation 65 social mentions

  4. Highly acclaimed note-taking app powered by advanced handwriting recognition.

    #Note Taking #Office & Productivity #Task Management 2 social mentions

  5. More suitable with Google Chrome, this service enables you ensure you do not waste precious time on updating Facebook status or chatting with people.
    If you are prone to distractions while at work, don’t worry. Help is at hand. StayFocusd is a freeChrome extension that keeps track of all the sites that you are browsing and it blocks the sitesthat consume most of your time. So be it videos, games or websites, it blocks all the distractionsand helps you focus on your core work.

    #Time Management #Time Tracking #Pomodoro Timer 19 social mentions

  6. Focus on one app by dimming all the background windows
    If you are multi-tasker and have the habit of toggling between multiple windows to get thingsdone. Thank heavens, HazeOver removes all the distractions by automatically highlighting thewindow that you are currently working on and it fades out other windows (from soft dimmingto intense black) until you finish the most important task at hand. This app is for Mac usersonly. For Android and Windows users, if you come across any equivalent software please let usknow in the comment box below.

    #Productivity #Tool #Design Tools 18 social mentions

  7. 7
    A smart news reader built for productivity, powered by integrations.
    If you are an avid browser, Panda is the go-to app to keep yourself updated on all the latestnews and industry insights all in one place. Panda allows you to browse over 100 inspiringwebsites at one-go.

    #Video Maker #Social Media Tools #Social Networks 1 social mentions

  8. 8
    Plan is a better way to organize.
    Plan is your perfect workplace companion. It is one of the best calendars and task managementapp for your desktop. With Plan, organizing all your tasks and events will become a breeze andyou will no longer forget important meetings or leave any task unfinished.

    #Task Management #Project Management #Productivity 3 social mentions

  9. Simple time tracking, fast online invoicing, and powerful reporting software. Simplify employee timesheets and billing. Get started for free.
    It is one of the best time-management software out there. If you are regularly missing yourdeadlines, then it’s time to analyze what is eating up your time and how much time you spendon each activity. Harvest will put all your day-to-day activities in perspective and help you tostrategize your time better to make the most of your workday. Harvest syncs with otherproductivity tools like Asana.

    #Time Tracking #Invoicing #Employee Timesheets 14 social mentions

  10. Spark helps you take your inbox under control. Instantly see what’s important and quickly clean up the rest. Spark for Teams allows you to create, discuss, and share email with your colleagues
    Email is an important form of business communication and you cannot do away with it. If it isMonday morning and if you are worried that your inbox might be flooded. Be rest assured. Help is at hand. Spark is an award-winning app that understands which of your emails are the mostimportant and pops them on the top of the list. Spark can help you save tons of time byorganizing your inbox. It’s available for free on Mac and iOS.

    #Email #Email Clients #Calendar 30 social mentions

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