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Top 9 Performance Monitoring Products in Monitoring Tools

The best Performance Monitoring Products within the Monitoring Tools category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Zabbix, Datadog, and Dynatrace. All products here are categorized as: Software for monitoring and analyzing the performance of applications and systems. Systems for tracking and analyzing the performance and health of various digital assets and environments. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. 1
    Track, record, alert and visualize performance and availability of IT resources
    • Open Source
    • Free

    #Monitoring Tools #Performance Monitoring #DevOps Tools 5 social mentions

  2. See metrics from all of your apps, tools & services in one place with Datadog's cloud monitoring as a service solution. Try it for free.

    #Monitoring Tools #Log Management #Error Tracking 5 social mentions

  3. Cloud-based quality testing, performance monitoring and analytics for mobile apps and websites. Get started with Keynote today!

    #Testing #User Monitoring #Performance Monitoring

  4. New Relic is a Software Analytics company that makes sense of billions of metrics across millions of apps. We help the people who build modern software understand the stories their data is trying to tell them.

    #Application Performance Monitoring #Performance Monitoring #Monitoring Tools 78 social mentions

  5. An open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit.
    • Open Source

    #Monitoring Tools #Performance Monitoring #Log Management 218 social mentions

  6. Data visualization & Monitoring with support for Graphite, InfluxDB, Prometheus, Elasticsearch and many more databases
    • Open Source

    #Data Dashboard #Data Visualization #Data Analytics 193 social mentions

  7. 7
    Complete monitoring and alerting for servers, switches, applications, and services
    • Open Source

    #Monitoring Tools #Performance Monitoring #Log Management

  8. Get real-time insight from your apps using Application Performance Management—how they’re being used, how they’re performing, where they need help.

    #Monitoring Tools #Performance Monitoring #Log Management

  9. The top window always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: if it is in handle mode you'l…

    #Monitoring Tools #Command Line Tools #Performance Monitoring 286 social mentions

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