Software Alternatives & Reviews

Top 9 Marketing Products in Social Media Marketing

The best Marketing Products within the Social Media Marketing category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Buffer, Twitter Ads, and Owlead. All products here are categorized as: Tools designed for marketing activities, including campaign management and analytics. Tools specifically for marketing on social media platforms. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. 1
    Buffer makes it super easy to share any page you're reading. Keep your Buffer topped up and we automagically share them for you through the day.

    #Social Media Tools #Social Media Marketing #Twitter Tools 56 social mentions

  2. Twitter offers targeted ad placement on their ad platform.

    #Marketing #Ad Networks #Marketing Platform 1 social mentions

  3. 3
    Grow your Twitter with valuable followers, effortless

    #Social Media Marketing #Twitter Marketing #Growth Marketing

  4. Facebook Business gives the latest news, advertising tips, best practices and case studies to meet the business goals.

    #Small Business #Business Network #Ad Networks

  5. 5
    Quuu is a curated content suggestion platform that connects to your Buffer queue, allowing you to grow a relevant social media following across your entire social landscape.

    #Social Media Marketing #Social Media Tools #Social Media 2 social mentions

  6. LinkedIn Display Advertising allows user to reach a network of more than 433M professionals while targeting only the audience the user care about.

    #Marketing #Ad Networks #Marketing Platform 3 social mentions

  7. Media monitoring made easy with Mention. Create alerts on your name, brand, competitors and be informed in real-time of any mention on the web and social networks

    #Reputation Management #Social Media Marketing #Media Monitoring 2 social mentions

  8. Easiest Way to Find, Hire, and Work with YouTube Influencers

    #Influencer Marketing #Marketing #Marketing Platform 1 social mentions

  9. The first influencer marketing platform for Periscope

    #Influencer Marketing #Marketing #Marketing Platform

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