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Top 9 Family Tree Products in Mind Maps

The best Family Tree Products within the Mind Maps category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are MyHeritage, Family Echo, and Family Tree Maker. All products here are categorized as: Family Tree. Tools for creating visual diagrams of tasks, ideas, or projects. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. MyHeritage is a family-oriented social network service and genealogy website.

    #Family Social Media #Family Tree #Family Organizer

  2. Draw your printable family tree online. Free and easy to use, no login required. Add photos and share with your family. Import/export GEDCOM files.

    #Family Tree #Family Organizer #Family Social Media 15 social mentions

  3. Create your family tree; Investigate your genealogy.

    #Family Tree #Family Organizer #Family Social Media

  4. Pedigreeable enables anyone to create beautiful, printable family tree art -- show the generations...

    #Family Tree #Family Organizer #Family Social Media

  5. Genetic testing service

    #Family Tree #Family Organizer #Family Social Media

  6. GenoPro is easy to use genealogy software to create family trees and genograms.

    #Family Tree #Family Organizer #Family Social Media 3 social mentions

  7. NOTE: GenealogyJ has been discontinued.
    GenealogyJ is a genealogy program, suitable for hobbyist, family historian and genealogy researcher.

    #Family Tree #Family Organizer #Family Social Media

  8. The beautiful FAMILY TREE BUILDER that connects you and your family to their family history.

    #Family #Family Tree #Family Organizer

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