Software Alternatives & Reviews

Top 9 Email Marketing Products in Nonprofit CRM

The best Email Marketing Products within the Nonprofit CRM category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are NationBuilder, NGP VAN, and CQ Engage. All products here are categorized as: Tools for creating and sending marketing emails. Specialized Customer Relationship Management tools tailored for nonprofit organizations to manage donor relationships, fundraising activities, and community engagement efficiently. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. The world's first platform for leaders, handcrafted from scratch to help you grow your community and lead them to action.

    #Nonprofit CRM #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing 5 social mentions

  2. NGP VAN offers an integrated platform that combines the best fundraising, compliance, field, organizing, and new media products.

    #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing #Nonprofit CRM

  3. All-in-one advocacy software and membership tool. Look up and contact lawmakers, create a legislative action center & engage members year-round. Learn more.

    #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing #Nonprofit CRM

  4. 4
    Muster is a grassroots advocacy tool that enables professional associations and nonprofits to engage their membership in the legislative process.
    • Paid

    #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing #Advocate Marketing

  5. Customer focus, innovation and purpose are built into everything we do. When millions of people are counting on you. You can count on us. Lockheed Martin. Your Mission is Ours.

    #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing #Nonprofit CRM 1 social mentions

  6. At Organizer, we strive to build the tools you need to make canvassing and field outreach efficient, effective, and accountable.

    #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing #Nonprofit CRM

  7. The EA Digital Tools are designed to help you manage (and grow) inspiring, impactful digital programs - from fundraising to advocacy, communications to analytics.

    #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing #Nonprofit CRM

  8. The fast, easy and affordable way to prepare amd e-file a tax return for organizations exempt (Form 990) from income tax under section 501(a), 527 & 4947(a)(1).

    #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing #Advocate Marketing

  9. Campaign canvassing & voter management

    #Marketing Platform #Email Marketing #Nonprofit CRM

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