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Top 9 Design Tools in Marketing

The best Design Tools within the Marketing category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Craftwork, Humaaans, and Handsome Illustrations. All products here are categorized as: Applications and software used for graphic design, UI/UX design, and other creative endeavors. Tools designed for marketing activities, including campaign management and analytics. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. A collection of User Interface resources made by Craftwork

    #Web Icons #Vector Icons #Icon Fonts 4 social mentions

  2. Mix-&-match illustrations of humans with a design library.

    #Design Tools #Illustrations #Illustrations Directory

  3. Create unique illustrations for websites & applications.

    #Design Tools #Illustrations #Illustrations Directory

  4. Create stunning product mockups, easily and online.

    #Design Tools #Development #Prototyping 14 social mentions

  5. 5
    Simple, responsive one-page site creator.

    #Personal Website #Single Page Websites #Website Builder 218 social mentions

  6. A large library of 2100+ handcrafted UI components

    #Design Tools #Website Design #Developer Tools 1 social mentions

  7. 7
    Illustrations for everyone

    #Design Tools #Illustrations #Web Icons 6 social mentions

  8. A hand-drawn illustration library.

    #Design Tools #Illustrations #Illustrations Directory 3 social mentions

  9. Online graphic design app mainly focused on product mockups.

    #Design Tools #Prototyping #Mockups 4 social mentions

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