Software Alternatives & Reviews

Top 9 CRM Products in Personal CRM

The best CRM Products within the Personal CRM category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Contactually, Dex, and Monica. All products here are categorized as: Customer Relationship Management. Software designed to manage and enhance personal relationships and networks by organizing contacts, interactions, and reminders in a user-friendly interface. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. Contactually is a web-based CRM tool that will help maximize your network ROI, get more referrals & gain more repeat business. Start your free trial today!

    #CRM #Sales #Sales Tools

  2. 2


    One place for your relationships — impress with thoughtfulness

    #Personal CRM #CRM #Personal Relationships 3 social mentions

  3. 3
    Monica is an open-source personal CRM to keep track of your friends and family.

    #Personal CRM #CRM #Relationship Manager 4 social mentions

  4. FollowUp for email is a lightweight productivity suite that keeps your conversations and tasks from slipping through the cracks. Set perfectly timed reminders that arrive at the top of your inbox, right when you need them.

    #Email Productivity #Email Tools #CRM 1 social mentions

  5. OnePageCRM is a powerful contact management system for small businesses. With this CRM, you can easily focus on what needs to be done next, follow up with every lead and client, keep the team on the same page, and close more deals.

    #CRM #Small Business CRM #CRM Platforms 1 social mentions

  6. 6
    Smarter Relationship Management

    #Personal CRM #CRM #Contact Management 1 social mentions

  7. Forgetting personal details? Hippo helps you stay attentive. Keep track of friends, family and colleagues you care for. So next time you meet, you remember all their important details.

    #iPhone #Productivity #Note 1 social mentions

  8. The trusted Personal CRM for busy people

    #Personal CRM #CRM #Personal Relationships 2 social mentions

  9. Reach – Internet Best Friends is a matchmaking app that provides features to help you in selecting five different emoji from the given options to describe your personality and receive suggestions about new friends right on your mobile phone screen.

    #Social #CRM #iPhone

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