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Store, search, rank and organize big data


Qdrant is a high-performance, massive-scale Vector Database for the next generation of AI. Also available in the cloud
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Qdrant is a leading open-source high-performance Vector Database written in Rust with extended metadata filtering support and advanced features. It deploys as an API service providing a search for the nearest high-dimensional vectors. With Qdrant, embeddings or neural network encoders can be turned into full-fledged applications. Powering vector similarity search solutions of any scale due to a flexible architecture and low-level optimization. Qdrant is trusted and high-rated by Machine Learning and Data Science teams of top-tier companies worldwide.

  • Search Engine
  • Custom Search Engine
  • Custom Search
  • Databases
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  • Databases
  • Machine Learning
  • Mlops
  • Search Engine
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Details $freemium
Linux Windows Kubernetes Docker
Release Date2021-05-09 features and specs

No features have been listed yet.

Qdrant features and specs

  • Advanced Filtering: Yes
  • On-disc Storage: Yes
  • Scalar Quantization: Yes
  • Product Quantization: Yes
  • Binary Quantization: Yes
  • Sparse Vectors: Yes
  • Hybrid Search: Yes
  • Discovery API: Yes
  • Recommendation API: Yes

Category Popularity

0-100% (relative to and Qdrant)
Search Engine
43 43%
57% 57
34 34%
66% 66
Custom Search Engine
72 72%
28% 28
0 0%
100% 100

Questions and Answers

As answered by people managing and Qdrant.

Why should a person choose your product over its competitors?

Qdrant's answer:

Advanced Features, Performance, Scalability, Developer Experience, and Resources Saving.

What makes your product unique?

Qdrant's answer:

Highest performance, scalability and ease of use.

Which are the primary technologies used for building your product?

Qdrant's answer:

Qdrant is written completely in Rust. SDKs available for all popular languages Python, Go, Rust, Java, .NET, etc.

User comments

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Social recommendations and mentions

Based on our record, Qdrant should be more popular than It has been mentiond 33 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it. mentions (18)

  • Simple Precision Time Protocol at Meta
    Yahoo released their geographic data catalogue under open license and it still lives on as Afaik started at Yahoo was Yahoo's search engine for news and other content product, now spinned off ( - Source: Hacker News / 20 days ago
  • Are we at peak vector database?
    I think has the right approach in this space by focusing on being hybrid - vectors alone aren't great for production use cases, it's the combining of vectors+text that lets you use ranking to get meaningful result. (I'm an investor so I'm biased; but it's also the reason why I invested). - Source: Hacker News / about 1 month ago
  • Show HN: RAGatouille, a simple lib to use&train top retrieval models in RAG apps
    So what’s the catch? Why is this not everywhere? Because IR is not quite NLP — it hasn’t gone fully mainstream, and a lot of the IR frameworks are, quite frankly, a bit of a pain to work with in-production. Some solid efforts to bridge the gap like Vespa [1] are gathering steam, but it’s not quite there. [1] - Source: Hacker News / about 2 months ago
  • Creating an advanced search engine with PostgreSQL
    When it comes to search I cannot disagree more. is a purpose built search engine. If you start bolting search onto your database, your relevance will be terrible, you'll be rewriting a lot of table stakes tools/features from scratch, and your technical debt will skyrocket. - Source: Hacker News / 8 months ago
  • Fixing Hallucination with Knowledge Bases
    Milvus ( and Vespa ( are great choices if you're looking for hardened, scalable, and production-ready vector databases. We (Milvus) also have `milvus-lite` if you'd like something pip installable:. - Source: Hacker News / 10 months ago
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Qdrant mentions (33)

  • 7 Vector Databases Every Developer Should Know!
    Qdrant is an open-source vector search engine optimized for performance and flexibility. It supports both exact and approximate nearest neighbor search, providing a balance between accuracy and speed for various AI and ML applications. - Source: / 20 days ago
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Building LLM Applications with Ruby (Using Langchain and Qdrant)
    Qdrant serves as a vector database, optimized for handling high-dimensional data typically found in AI and ML applications. It's designed for efficient storage and retrieval of vectors, making it an ideal solution for managing the data produced and consumed by AI models like Mistral 7B. In our setup, Qdrant handles the storage of vectors generated by the language model, facilitating quick and accurate retrievals. - Source: / 29 days ago
  • Qdrant - Using FastEmbed for Rapid Embedding Generation: A Benchmark and Guide
    Qdrant is a modern, open-source vector search engine specifically designed for handling and retrieving high-dimensional data, such as embeddings. It plays a crucial role in various machine learning and data analytics applications, particularly those involving similarity searches in large datasets. Understanding Qdrant's capabilities and architecture is key to leveraging its full potential. - Source: / about 1 month ago
  • Exploring GPTs: ChatGPT in a trench coat?
    This is undocumented (frustrating) but it looks like it's chunking them, running embeddings on the chunks and storing the results in a vector database. We know it's Qdrant because an error message leaked that detail: - Source: Hacker News / 3 months ago
  • I've changed my mind about Code Interpretor
    As an open-source and self-hosted solution, developers can deploy their own version of the plugin and register it with ChatGPT. The plugin leverages OpenAI embeddings and allows developers to choose a vector database (Milvus, Pinecone, Qdrant, Redis, Weaviate or Zilliz) for indexing and searching documents. Information sources can be synchronized with the database using webhooks. Source: 8 months ago
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What are some alternatives?

When comparing and Qdrant, you can also consider the following products

Meilisearch - Ultra relevant, instant, and typo-tolerant full-text search API

Weaviate - Welcome to Weaviate

Typesense - Typo tolerant, delightfully simple, open source search 🔍

Milvus - Vector database built for scalable similarity search Open-source, highly scalable, and blazing fast.

txtai - AI-powered search engine

Zilliz - Data Infrastructure for AI Made Easy