As a SaaSHub partner, TramaTM gives you a 20% discount on your trademark registration!
We (SaaSHub's team) have used their services, and their process is superior compared to most lawyers you could find. The reason is - TramaTM is specialized in trademark registration.
With us, trademarks are a piece of cake! We provide brand registration for the European Union, the United Kingdom, and 5 more locations. Just choose where you want to register your trademark and fill out a simple form. You can track the entire process online, with up-to-date information on the status of your trademark registration available 24/7. Throughout your registration process, our specialists in the field of industrial law are always available to assist you.
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Pricing URL | Official TramaTM Pricing |
Release Date | - |
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Pricing URL | - |
Release Date | 2016-02-17 |
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