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Based on our record, Resolume seems to be a lot more popular than Millumin. While we know about 16 links to Resolume, we've tracked only 1 mention of Millumin. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
⇒ Resolume ⇒ NestMap ⇒ TouchDesigner ⇒ MadMapper ⇒ Any other software listed on the Spout website. Source: 8 months ago
You'll need this + that and some time to learn how to use both. Source: 10 months ago
I'm wondering if something could be integrated into something like Resolume. Source: 10 months ago
Resolume seems to be more VJ oriented than light sequencing, xLights while functional seems a bit simple and not focused for music, and of course there's GrandMA3 for personal use but that seems way too complex/overkill. Source: 11 months ago
Resolume Avenue and Resolume Wire - this is an expensive piece of software but it’s really great for live performance/VJing and also has a ton of amazing effects, midi integration, Ableton link, etc. Wire is a separate app from them but integrates with Avenue, and it’s a modular environment similar to Vsynth where you create nodes in a visual environment that you connect together to create a patch which shows you... Source: 11 months ago
For a more polished but reasonable solution, check out Millumin Source: 9 months ago
MadMapper - The Mapping Software
QLab - QLab, Live show control for Mac OS X.
TouchDesigner - TouchDesigner is a visual development platform that equips you with the tools you need to create stunning realtime projects and rich user experiences.
HeavyM - Simple video mapping software with a huge library of effects.
VDMX - VDMX5 was created from the ground up to meet the demands of realtime video performance.
Pure Data - Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical...