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Based on our record, Lynis seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 26 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
Linux has (free) tools to improve security and detect/remove malware: Lynis,Chkrootkit,Rkhunter,ClamAV,Vuls,LMD,radare2,Yara,ntopng,maltrail,Snort,Suricata... Source: 3 months ago
(My General Traffic System) Chkconfig: [Version 11.4] Gives a view of programs and the ability to start, stop, pause them. Through the terminal. (Same as systemctl, But to me friendlier interface) Dpkg-repack: Allows for repacking your favorite programs into a deb file. Lynis- System malware checker, More of a system checker for misconfigurations and security holes based on CISOfy -... Source: about 1 year ago
Lynis is a good tool that will help you harden your system. I believe in redhat it is already in the EPEL repo so you should be able to sudo dnf install lynis and run it. Source: over 1 year ago
While I think it's fair to recognize the amount of work to patch Windows for security and compatibility, I also think it's unfair for you to regard SteamOS as a "hobbyist" OS that has poor security. SteamOS is based on Arch Linux. From Linux, to Arch distro, to SteamOS, this open source development loop cannot be compared with what you call a "phase" Windows has gone through. The only "phase" I saw since Windows... Source: over 1 year ago
Lynis is one such tool. The more tools you use, the more coverage you'll get. Source: over 1 year ago
Nessus - Nessus Professional is a security platform designed for businesses who want to protect the security of themselves, their clients, and their customers.
Ossec - OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System.
OpenVAS - The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) is a framework of several services and tools...
Tripwire - Open Source Tripwire software is a security and data integrity tool useful for monitoring and...
Qualys - Qualys helps your business automate the full spectrum of auditing, compliance and protection of your IT systems and web applications.
Tiger - The TIGER security tool Homepage