Software Alternatives & Reviews

Magzter VS Zinio

Compare Magzter VS Zinio and see what are their differences


Magzter is the world's largest digital magazine newsstand with over 10,000+ magazines in its catalogue. Read them anytime and anywhere on iPad, iPhone, Android devices and the web.


Zinio transforms your favorite print magazines into digital format. Same content. Same design.
  • Magzter Landing page
    Landing page //
  • Zinio Landing page
    Landing page //


  • Digital Publishing
  • eBook Reader
  • Ebooks
  • Online Presence Management


  • Digital Publishing
  • eBook Reader
  • Ebooks
  • Online Presence Management

Magzter videos

Magzter Gold Unlimited Magazine App Review

More videos:

  • Review - Magzter - Magazine store by Magzter Inc. Video Review

Zinio videos

Zinio Mac Life - New Title | Geekanoids Review

More videos:

  • Review - iPad: Zinio App Review
  • Review - MacUser Magazine Review on Zinio

Category Popularity

0-100% (relative to Magzter and Zinio)
Digital Publishing
49 49%
51% 51
eBook Reader
49 49%
51% 51
50 50%
50% 50
Online Presence Management

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Zinio Reviews

17 Powerful Issuu Alternatives Nobody Told You About (1 BIG winner)
Just like Issuu, Zinio offers a complete solution for digital publishing and distribution of flippingbooks. Their content management system makes it straightforward to oversee all the content you’ve uploaded to the site, and you can embed Google DFP or in-house ads into your advertising area if you haven’t sold it all to increase the revenue from your content.

What are some alternatives?

When comparing Magzter and Zinio, you can also consider the following products

Readly - All-you-can-read magazines on all your devices

Scribd - Unlimited books, audiobooks & comics. Unparalleled discovery. Any device. $8.99/month

Texture - The "Netflix of Magazines" app

Issuu - Issuu is the leading digital publishing platform delivering exceptional reading experiences of magazines, catalogs, and newspapers.

Amazon Kindle - Amazon Kindle software lets you read ebooks on your Kindle, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, BlackBerry, and...

Google Play Books - Google Play Books lets you search, preview, and buy millions of books using Google Book Search.