Software Alternatives & Reviews

LeetCode VS CodeSignal

Compare LeetCode VS CodeSignal and see what are their differences


Practice and level up your development skills and prepare for technical interviews.


CodeSignal is the leading assessment platform for technical hiring.
  • LeetCode Landing page
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  • CodeSignal Landing page
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  • Online Education
  • Online Learning
  • Online Courses
  • Learn To Code
  • Programming
  • Coding
  • Exam Preparation
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  • Online Learning
  • Online Education
  • Hiring And Recruitment
  • Digital Interview Platform
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LeetCode videos

Is A LeetCode Premium Subscription Worth It?

More videos:

  • Review - Is LeetCode subscription worth $159?

CodeSignal videos

CodeSignal Talent Stories: Marcus Currie + Evernote

More videos:

  • Review - "depositProfit" CodeSignal challenge review
  • Review - Python - CodeSignal Feedback Review 15

Category Popularity

0-100% (relative to LeetCode and CodeSignal)
Online Education
79 79%
21% 21
Online Learning
73 73%
27% 27
Hiring And Recruitment
36 36%
64% 64
Online Courses
85 85%
15% 15

User comments

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These are some of the external sources and on-site user reviews we've used to compare LeetCode and CodeSignal

LeetCode Reviews

  1. best platform to help people practice solving coding problems

    LeetCode is the best platform to help people practice solving coding problems and prepare for technical interviews. The main users are software engineers. LeetCode has over 1,900 questions covering many different programming concepts.

    🏁 Competitors: HackerRank
    👍 Pros:    Faster and cheaper than others|Fast support|Nice interface
    👎 Cons:    Nothing, so far

Best Alternatives to LeetCode For Data Science
LeetCode is the platform where people practice their coding skills and prepare for software engineering interviews. It is the primary educational platform meant for the advanced-beginner to an intermediate engineer looking to brush up on their technical concepts. So can LeetCode be used for data science interviews? LeetCode is to help software engineers to get jobs. It...
15 Best LeetCode Alternatives 2023
LeetCode comes with more than 2,000 questions for you to practice. Also, you will get to prepare for interviews on LeetCode. Organizations can also go to the platform to look for talent.
8 Best LeetCode Alternatives and Similar Platforms
LeetCode however is still an excellent coding educational software for beginners to experts. Thus, when looking for the best alternative to LeetCode, you need to also search for a similar program which means that CodeChef ticks all the boxes.
4 high-quality HackerRank alternatives (plus 7 honorable mentions)
This site is probably the closest you’ll get to a HackerRank clone. LeetCode features over 1500 questions. With over 1 million users, it’s also a popular destination for coders with FAANG-level job aspirations. (For comparison, HackerRank has about 7 million users.)
The 10 Most Popular Coding Challenge Websites [Updated for 2021]
LeetCode is a popular Online Judge that provides a list of 190+ challenges that can help you prepare for technical job interviews. You can solve the challenges directly online in one of 9 programming languages. You are not able to view other users' solutions, but you are provided statistics for your own solutions such as how fast your code ran when compared to other users'...

CodeSignal Reviews

Top 25 websites for coding challenge and competition [Updated for 2021]
CodeSignal has a technical interview practice that helps you get ready for technical interviews by completing real-world assessments in an advanced IDE. It starts with customizing a personal study plan, then helps you master key topics by solving real-world questions.

Social recommendations and mentions

Based on our record, LeetCode seems to be a lot more popular than CodeSignal. While we know about 511 links to LeetCode, we've tracked only 24 mentions of CodeSignal. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.

LeetCode mentions (511)

  • Lessons from leetcode: 347 Top K Frequent Elements
    As a self-taught dev, learning the ins-and-outs of Python usually happens as I am solving problems on leetcode or writing random programs in replit. This post is more for myself to remember what I've learned. If you're still interested in reading, then I hope this helps you! - Source: / 5 days ago
  • 20 Things You Should Consider When You Grow as a Developer
    Regularly engaging with problem-solving and algorithm challenges on platforms such as LeetCode, HackerRank, or CodeSignal can significantly sharpen this ability. - Source: / 9 days ago
  • Build Binary Tree from Array
    If you are interested in algorithms, data structures, and building efficient solutions or just preparing for the coding interview, you are aware of LeetCode and similar websites. Here, I will talk about a data structure called Binary Tree and the ways to build it using the array representation. LeetCode has dozens of such problems to practice with this data structure. - Source: / 28 days ago
  • The Definitive Programming Roadmap: From Novice to Expert
    LeetCode: Offers a wide range of problems to practice data structures and algorithms. - Source: / about 2 months ago
  • Collection of resources to get started on your programming journey
    Additional Platforms - HackerRank - Coding challenges in various languages. - LeetCode - Practice coding problems and prepare for interviews. Source: 3 months ago
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CodeSignal mentions (24)

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What are some alternatives?

When comparing LeetCode and CodeSignal, you can also consider the following products

HackerRank - HackerRank is a platform that allows companies to conduct interviews remotely to hire developers and for technical assessment purposes.

Codewars - Achieve code mastery through challenge.

Codility - Codility provides a SaaS platform with advanced validation, security and protection features to evaluate the skills of software engineers.

Project Euler - Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will...

CodeForces - Programming competitions and contests, programming community.

CodinGame - CodinGame provides users with a fun and effective way to learn coding that eschews the rigid structure of traditional teaching methods.