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Based on our record, Hidden Bar seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 28 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
The open-source Hidden Bar is my current solution to this problem, but I think I prefer this native fix. - Source: Hacker News / 16 days agobrew install --cask hiddenbar
There's Hidden Bar but I think it's a lot like Bartender. It has an arrow too if that's what you want. Source: 10 months ago
Hidden is a great free and open-source alternative. Source: 10 months ago
Hidden bar is the best one from my experience and it’s open source! Source: 11 months ago
Dozer (free - open source), HiddenBar (free), free alternatives to bartender, however, only does 1 thing and that's hiding the icons, not adding an extra menu, nothing just icons here, icons gone. Source: 12 months ago
Bartender Mac App - Bartender is an award-winning app for macOS that superpowers your menu bar, giving you total control over your menu bar items, what's displayed, and when, with menu bar items only showing when you need them.
Vanilla - Vanilla is a free Mac app that lets you hide icons from your menu bar.
Hocus Focus - A Mac menu bar utility that hides your inactive windows
TramaTM - Protect your brand. Register your trademark. Free verification. Simple online process. Transparent price. Money back guarantee.
AccessMenuBarApps - access mac menubar directly every time
Patentoid - Protect your brand with a trademark