Software Alternatives & Reviews

Dependabot VS Snyk

Compare Dependabot VS Snyk and see what are their differences


Automated dependency updates for your Ruby, Python, JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Go, Elixir, Rust, Java and Elm.


Snyk helps you use open source and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and much more.
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  • DevSecOps
  • Software Development
  • Continuous Integration
  • Security
  • Web Application Security
  • GitHub
Pricing URL Official Dependabot Pricing  
Details $-


  • Security
  • Security Monitoring
  • Security CI
  • Vulnerability Scanner
  • Code Analysis
  • Open Source
Pricing URL Official Snyk Pricing  
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Snyk videos

Why Asurion Chose Snyk with Mark Geeslin and Simon Maple

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  • Review - Snyk Introduction and Review

Category Popularity

0-100% (relative to Dependabot and Snyk)
21 21%
79% 79
Software Development
100 100%
0% 0
Code Analysis
19 19%
81% 81
Security Monitoring
0 0%
100% 100

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These are some of the external sources and on-site user reviews we've used to compare Dependabot and Snyk

Dependabot Reviews

Streamline dependency updates with Mergify and Snyk
Luckily, we’ve been able to use GitHub bots to automate dependency management to an extent with solutions like Dependabot and GreenKeeper.

Snyk Reviews

Streamline dependency updates with Mergify and Snyk
Open the Snyk app, continue with sign-up if necessary, and connect the repository you want to automate by importing a GitHub repository. Go to the Projects page in the Snyk UI, select Add projects, select the code repositories to import to Snyk, and click Add selected repositories.
Ten Best SonarQube alternatives in 2021
Snyk's assists builders in the employment and usage of open-source code. It does so in the simplest manner. Snyk is one of a kind interface that is very user-friendly and it permits software engineers and enterprises with safety to explore & restore inclined dependencies constantly. Moreover, it does so fast and quick as well as through amalgamation with Dev & DevOps...
The Top 5 Open Source Vulnerability Scanners
Snyk is an open-source vulnerability database that exposes many vulnerabilities before they are added to public databases. Vulcan can prioritize and fix vulnerabilities in open source libraries and containers discovered by Snyk.
7 Best Container Security Tools & Solutions 2022
Snyk offers a security solution specifically designed with developers in mind. It searches for license violations in Docker images and provides a vulnerability report for each package in a repository. Snyk supports a variety of programming languages, and customers found it easy to implement. It permits many integrations, including GitHub and GitLab connections for developers...

Social recommendations and mentions

Based on our record, Snyk should be more popular than Dependabot. It has been mentiond 83 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.

Dependabot mentions (13)

  • Be Secure and Compliant with GitHub
    GitHub integrated security scanning for vulnerabilities in their repositories. When they find a vulnerability that is solved in a newer version, they file a Pull Request with the suggested fix. This is done by a tool called Dependabot. - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • How to configure Dependabot with Gradle
    Dependabot provides a way to keep your dependencies up to date. Depending on the configuration, it checks your dependency files for outdated dependencies and opens PRs individually. Then based on requirement PRs can be reviewed and merged. - Source: / over 2 years ago
  • Yarn.lock: how it works and what you risk without maintaining yarn dependencies — deep dive
    The first approach we looked at was Dependabot - a well-known tool for bumping dependencies. It checks for possible updates, opens Pull Requests with them, and allow users to review and merge (if you're confident enough with your test suite you can even set auto-merge). - Source: / over 2 years ago
  • 5 tools to automate your development
    Dependabot is dead simple and their punchline clearly states what it does. We started using it a couple of years back, a bit before Github acquired it. - Source: / almost 3 years ago
  • Keeping dependencies up-to-date in Composer
    The most known tool for this is Dependabot. Dependabot integrates seemlessly into Github and is able to create pull requests for outdated dependencies. If you have set up automated tests on your codebase all you have to do is merge the pull request created by Dependabot. It does not get any easier. - Source: / over 2 years ago
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Snyk mentions (83)

  • Preventing SQL injection attacks in Node.js
    In this article, you learned all about how SQL injections manifest in Node.js applications and discovered multiple strategies to help prevent them. From updating your ORM and SQL libraries, sanitizing user inputs, and using query placeholders to leveraging the Snyk IDE extension for Visual Studio Code, you have a whole host of measures to secure your Node.js applications against SQL injection attacks. - Source: / 6 days ago
  • A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev — Can find and fix known security vulnerabilities in your open-source dependencies. Unlimited tests and remediation for open-source projects. Limited to 200 tests/month for your private projects. - Source: / 22 days ago
  • Deployment approaches in Microservices.
    Snyk is one of the most popular tools to work with security stuff and helps you to find vulnerabilities in your not just codebase but infrastructure. - Source: / about 1 month ago
  • Champion Building - How to successfully adopt a developer tool
    So you've just bought a new platform tool? Maybe it's Hashicorp Vault? Snyk? Backstage? You’re excited about all of the developer experience, security and other benefits you're about to unleash on your company—right? But wait…. - Source: / 3 months ago
  • The art of conditional rendering: Tips and tricks for React and Next.js developers
    Snyk can also be used as an IDE extension to find insecure code in React codebases and can help you fix any security vulnerabilities in open source dependencies. - Source: / 4 months ago
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What are some alternatives?

When comparing Dependabot and Snyk, you can also consider the following products

SonarQube - SonarQube, a core component of the Sonar solution, is an open source, self-managed tool that systematically helps developers and organizations deliver Clean Code.

WhiteSource Renovate - Automate your dependency updates

Qualys - Qualys helps your business automate the full spectrum of auditing, compliance and protection of your IT systems and web applications. - Automatically update your composer (php) dependencies

NewReleases - Stop wasting your time checking manually if some piece of software is updated. Get Email, Slack, Telegram, Discord, Hangouts Chat, Microsoft Teams, Mattermost, Rocket.Chat, or Webhooks notifications.

Checkmarx - The industry’s most comprehensive AppSec platform, Checkmarx One is fast, accurate, and accelerates your business.