Software Alternatives & Reviews VS KAYAK

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KAYAK is a travel search engine that searches hundreds of other travel sites at once. Our helpful tools & features find you the information you need to make the right decisions on flights, hotels, rental cars and vacation packages.
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5 Kayaks Under $300 Reviewed: Are They Worth It?

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0-100% (relative to and KAYAK)
48 48%
52% 52
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53 53%
47% 47
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100 100%
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34 34%
66% 66

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These are some of the external sources and on-site user reviews we've used to compare and KAYAK Reviews

Top 20 Airbnb competitors and alternative booking sites
Part of The Priceline Group, which owns the Kayak brand, is one of the world’s largest and most well-known online travel agencies with listings in 227 countries and support in over 40 languages. It is headquartered in Amsterdam but has a strong global presence.
13 Best Skyscanner Alternatives to Book Travel
A partner of Priceline, is another one of the best flight scanning websites built for business travel. On, you can book flights, hotel accommodations, rental cars, restaurants, and just about any travel reservations.
10 Airbnb alternatives travelers started using in 2023! is another marketplace that connects travelers with holiday rental owners. With millions of active listings worldwide, it certainly is one of the leading Airbnb alternatives today. You can find anything from a cheap hostel to a 5-star resort here.
AirBnB Alternatives: The Best Sites Like AirBnB in 2023
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! So obviously different sites have different layouts, and focus on different things. I did check Vrbo, Plumguide and to start with, and Vrbo has the option to filter both by access to a pool and private pool. Plum Guide has pages dedicated to properties with pools in different countries, such as this one for the US.
15 Airbnb Alternatives You Should Know About
HomeToGo is one of the best options for people on a strict budget. Since they compare so many prices for rentals from hundreds of providers, you’re pretty well guaranteed the best price. Booking is done via the partner website (e.g. TripAdvisor or, much like how you would with many flight search engines.

KAYAK Reviews

The 8 Best Alternatives to Google Travel Trip Summaries
Kayak is well-known for being a service for finding affordable flights, hotels, and car rentals. But it also has a trip planner, Kayak Trips, that will store and organize your travel information in one place.
13 Best Skyscanner Alternatives to Book Travel
You can also create itineraries on Kayak by bundling two one-way tickets instead of one round-trip ticket on a single airline. This feature is unique to Kayak and might not be available on most other websites.
17 Best Skyscanner Alternatives Sites
Given our perennial love of travel, it’s no surprise that we Aussies spend lots of time scanning for great deals on flight comparison websites. And while Skyscanner makes for a truly sound and popular choice, there are plenty of worthy alternatives. Sure, you’ve probably searched for cheap flights on sites like Kayak and Expedia, but that’s merely skimming the surface in...
The 9 Best Skyscanner Alternatives To Book Cheap Travel
If you are looking for a great Skyscanner alternative, look no further than Kayak. Kayak is a great place to go.
10 Alternatives to Hipmunk
Kayak offers excellent customizability in its searches, allowing for flexible dates, the option to omit certain airlines, and a great “pin” feature that lets you travelers keep track of one flight while they browse others down the list. What’s more, Kayak’s prices are some of the cheapest you’ll find on the web.

Social recommendations and mentions

Based on our record, seems to be a lot more popular than KAYAK. While we know about 833 links to, we've tracked only 79 mentions of KAYAK. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it. mentions (833)

  • How do people manage to travel with so little money?
    Mind you between airlines and hotel websites, services like or airbnb, tripadvisor, klook etc its gotten easier and easier and easier to not only pre book things but pre pay for everything, including guides and entrance fees. So if you know a year ahead of time your exact dates, book everything and pay for it then the $4k you saved for the trip becomes your spending money for the trip. But most... Source: 3 months ago
  • Room Block opening?
    Others, try using and in advance, but they are not guaranteed rooms, and almost every year I see people trying to argue with the front desk that they have a reservation. If a hotel is sold out, and you find a room on a 3rd party website, you are responsible for your own misery. Source: 3 months ago
  • Hotels
    Use I found a good rate last admin . I forgot my darn hotel though I wont lie lmao that whole week is a blur I can check my email though . Source: 3 months ago
  • Other Sites for Long Stays
    I was planning on listing on houfy and VRBO just because there is no upfront cost so why not? Is there any reason not too? Is there any reason to try There are a few other sites I checked out but none of them were even really operating in my area. Source: 3 months ago
  • Airport pickup
    I'm getting 166k from Airport to monkey forest in Ubud on Source: 3 months ago
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KAYAK mentions (79)

  • Ticket situation for the XFL Championship, a week out.
    Check, or trivago. They usually have a large amount of discount flight information. Source: 10 months ago
  • Sleeping in my truck on base for 5 days, anyone got tips?
    Try some of the apps like and expedia. I've seen hotels for about $29 on there. Some motels even do a weekly rate of something like $100 for the entire 7 days. Source: 10 months ago
  • Car rental austria nearby salzburgh south bus station
    Have you tried or Source: 11 months ago
  • Going to both citi shows, where to stay?
    Check for rooms and rentals. Uber or Lyft if you're too far to walk. Source: 11 months ago
  • Tips for a 24F solo trip to LA for the first time (specifically flight/itinerary) in a little over a month??
    Depending on where you end up staying, consider flying to Burbank (BUR). airport. Its vastly smaller than LAX, so quicker to get in and out of, shorter lines at security, etc. And its closer than LAX to places like Hollywood. If CT means New York metro area, you can get nonstop to Burbank on JetBlue from JFK. Otherwise likely looking at at least one stop, but I imagine there's no non-stops to LAX either unless... Source: 12 months ago
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What are some alternatives?

When comparing and KAYAK, you can also consider the following products

Airbnb - Book unique places to stay and things to do.

Skyscanner - compares over 1000 airlines to find you the cheapest airfares, fast.

Expedia - Save up to 60% with Expedia Mobile Exclusive hotel deals!

Tripadvisor - The Tripadvisor mobile app is available for the Android and iOS platforms. It can be used to create reviews of hotels, restaurants, and to chat with other travelers on Tripadvisor forums.

Momondo - Find cheap flights with Momondo. - is an online accommodation service that provides an interactive hotel booking experience.