Software Alternatives & Reviews

Other BI And Analytics

The best Other BI And Analytics based on votes, our collection of reviews, verified products and a total of 73 factors

Top Other BI And Analytics

  1. 61

    The engagement layer for the internet. Hull is a platform that offers identity management, user engagement, segmentation and targeted messaging for your app.

  2. 56

    DRMetrix is the first 24/7 commercial monitoring platform designed for the direct response television industry

  3. 55

    SAP Crystal Reports offers easy-to-use BI and reporting tool to design and deliver meaningful business reports.

  4. 56

    Bot Analytics is a conversational analytics tool that helps chatbot owners to improve human-to-bot communication. Identify bottlenecks, filter conversations, and understand engagement.

  5. 56

    Price2Spy is a price monitoring, pricing analytics, and repricing tool, meant to help eCommerce professionals keep an eye on their competitors or retailers.

    paid Free Trial $26.95 / Monthly (Basic plan, up to 100 URLs (max. 80 sites))

  6. 55

    Cognesia transform anonymous digital data into highly valuable customer insight which enables to create the right message to right person.

  7. 56

    Digital client engagement platform

  8. 55

    Crowd Connected provides events, venues, stadiums, smart cities and transport customers with location intelligence and insight.

  9. 55

    Chartmetric is a intuitive playlist monitoring and chart tracking software.

  10. 57

    Build up an end-to-end analytics system

  11. 56

    Socrata is a company that is known for their open-data-portal software. They create a number of software and cloud-based solutions for governments and organizations. Read more about Socrata Open Data Portal.

  12. 55

    Channel Signal is a tool that allows brands and manufacturers to collect and aggregate those reviews from any site on the web.

  13. 52

    CivicDashboards converts raw datasets to actionable information you can use with our integrated collaborative analytics and dashboards.

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