Object Storage
The best Object Storage Products based on votes, our collection of reviews, verified products and a total of 255 factors
Top Object Storage Products
Minio is an open-source minimal cloud storage server.
Amazon S3 is an object storage where users can store data from their business on a safe, cloud-based platform. Amazon S3 operates in 54 availability zones within 18 graphic regions and 1 local region.
Google Cloud Storage offers developers and IT organizations durable and highly available object storage.
Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance...
Use Azure Blob Storage to store all kinds of files. Azure hot, cool, and archive storage is reliable cloud object storage for unstructured data
Storage made simple. Faster than Amazon's S3. Less expensive than Glacier.
AWS Storage Gateway is a service connecting an on-premises software appliance with cloud-based storage.
The simplest way to cost effectively store, serve, backup, and archive a virtually infinite amount of media, content, images, and static files for your apps.
Enterprise Storage-as-a-Service Solutions (STaaS). On premises or in the cloud. Fully-managed 24/7. Pay only for what you use. Leading companies worldwide trust Zadara Data Storage. Proud to be the best cloud storage option
Nutanix is a virtualized datacenter platform that provides disruptive datacenter infrastructure solutions for implementing enterprise-class.
Exabyte-scale storage for your capacity-intensive workloads. Files plus S3-compatible storage. On-prem, hybrid cloud, and multi-cloud. Learn why leading enterprises worldwide trust Cloudian.
VMware vSAN is radically simple, enterprise-class software-defined storage powering VMware hyper-converged infrastructure.
Storj DCS is a decentralized, encrypted and fast Amazon S3-compatible object storage.