Software Alternatives & Reviews

🖌️ Front-End Frameworks

Frameworks and libraries for front-end web development.

The best Front-End Frameworks based on votes, our collection of reviews, verified products and a total of 509 factors

Top Front-End Frameworks

  1. 170

    Reactive Components for Modern Web Interfaces

    Open Source

  2. 72

    Predictable state container for JavaScript apps

    Open Source

  3. 58

    Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.

  4. 36

    Quick in-browser prototyping for React Components!

  5. 35

    Centralized State Management for Vue.js

    Open Source

  6. 38

    A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

    Open Source

  7. 34

    Simple, scalable state management

    Open Source

  8. 33

    Cybernetically enhanced web apps

    Open Source

  9. 30

    A state management library for React.

    Open Source

  10. 21

    Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js - axios/axios

  11. 24

    An open source JavaScript Template library.

    Open Source

  12. 22

    Handlebars is a JavaScript template library that is, more or less, based on ...

    Open Source

  13. 24

    A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

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This is equivalent to 4.4 / 5 rating.

Author: | Publisher: SaaSHub
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