Software Alternatives & Reviews

⚙️ DevOps Tools

Tools and platforms that facilitate DevOps practices in software development.

The best DevOps Tools based on votes, our collection of reviews, verified products and a total of 3,121 factors

Top DevOps Tools

  1. 435

    Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration server with 300+ plugins to support all kinds of software development

    Open Source

  2. 359

    CircleCI gives web developers powerful Continuous Integration and Deployment with easy setup and maintenance.

  3. Transform your IT service delivery with SysAid's seamless automation, ensuring a consistently exceptional experience for all users effortlessly

    Try for free paid Free Trial

  4. 314

    Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers

    Open Source

  5. 304

    Radically simple configuration-management, application deployment, task-execution, and multi-node orchestration engine

    Open Source

  6. 247

    Open Source Platform for Running a Private Container Service

    Open Source

  7. 215

    Tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently.

    Open Source

  8. 232

    Focus on writing code. Let Travis CI take care of running your tests and deploying your apps.

  9. 194

    Get started with Puppet Enterprise, or upgrade or expand.

  10. 223

    Codeship is a fast and secure hosted Continuous Delivery platform that scales with your needs.

  11. 151

    The simplest CI/CD tool ever made, acclaimed by top developers worldwide. It uses delivery pipelines to build, test and deploy software. Pipelines are created with over 100 ready-to-use actions, that can be arranged in any way.

    Open Source freemium $75.0 / Monthly

  12. 116

    Automate your workflow from idea to production

    Open Source

  13. 151

    RunDeck is an open source automation service with a web console, command line tools and a WebAPI.

  14. 118

    AWS CloudFormation gives developers and systems administrators an easy way to create and manage a...

    Open Source

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