Software Alternatives & Reviews

🔍 Competitive Intelligence

Tools for gathering and analyzing competitor information and market trends.

The best Competitive Intelligence Products based on votes, our collection of reviews, verified products and a total of 448 factors

Top Competitive Intelligence Products

  1. 141

    Discover, match and monitor your eCommerce competitors.

    paid Free Trial $99.0 / Monthly (Thousands of products tracked on key marketplaces each month.)

  2. 74

    Track & analyze competitors in real time.

  3. 38

    Crayon market and competitive intelligence tools provide insights and inspiration for marketing, sales, and product management.

    Open Source

  4. 34

    Klue is competitive intelligence for enterprise sales. We help sales, and the teams who enable them, leverage CI to win more deals.

  5. 45

    Stay one step ahead of the competition with our intelligent daily email alerts.

    paid ÂŁ145.0 / Monthly (Monitor up to 5 competitors)

  6. 35

    Competera is a price tracking tool for performance-oriented eCommerce retail and brands of all sizes worldwide.

  7. 26

    Your Competitive Edge

    paid Free Trial

  8. 36

    Rivalfox gives you real-time information to help you do your job better. We monitor your competitors’ digital marketing strategies so that you don’t fall behind the pack.

  9. 22

    Pricewatch is a software which provides pricing database for retailers and brand, and it provides competitor price in data on the market so you can get your business in for profitable direction because of the analytical reporting and real-time gener…

  10. 24

    Price2Spy is a price monitoring, pricing analytics, and repricing tool, meant to help eCommerce professionals keep an eye on their competitors or retailers.

    paid Free Trial $26.95 / Monthly (Basic plan, up to 100 URLs (max. 80 sites))

  11. 23

    Competitors App helps marketers monitor their competitors' marketing moves in one place, with very little time investment.

    paid Free Trial $9.9 / Monthly (/competitors/month)

  12. 18

    Get notified when people mention your brand or competitors

  13. 18

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