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Top 9 App Localization Products in Localization

The best App Localization Products within the Localization category - based on our collection of reviews & verified products.


The top products on this list are Crowdin, POEditor, and Transifex. All products here are categorized as: Tools for adapting applications to different languages and regions. Tools for adapting software or content to specific languages and regional differences. One of the criteria for ordering this list is the number of mentions that products have on reliable external sources. You can suggest additional sources through the form here.
  1. Localize your product in a seamless way

    #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization 19 social mentions

  2. The translation and localization management platform that's easy to use *and* affordable!

    #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization 7 social mentions

  3. Transifex makes it easy to collect, translate and deliver digital content, web and mobile apps in multiple languages. Localization for agile teams.

    #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization

  4. 4
    A suite of AI-powered translation tools for localization at scale.

    #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization 4 social mentions

  5. Localization tool for software developers. Web-based collaborative multi-platform editor, API/CLI, numerous plugins, iOS and Android SDK.

    #Translation Service #Localization #Website Localization 11 social mentions

  6. Weblate is a free web-based translation management system.

    #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization 1 social mentions

  7. 7
    Poedit translations editor. The best way to translate apps and sites.

    #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization 7 social mentions

  8. Texterify is a localization management platform which aims to make software localization as easy as possible.

    #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization

  9. Website localization & translation

    #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization

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