An extra step of security never hurt anybody. Enable two-factor authentication on your online accounts and let Authenticator App by 2Stable do the rest.Pricing:
- Freemium
- Free Trial
- $49.99 / Annually (Unlimited Accounts. Encrypted Backup and Synchronisation.)
- Official Pricing
#Two Factor Authentication #Security #Encryption
Simple 2FA Authenticator - Generate Two Factor Authentication tokens.
#Password Management #Identity And Access Management #Security & Privacy 28 social mentions
Proximity passwords for PC, Mac, websites, and desktop applications. Get instant authentication with GateKeeper wireless, hands-free security key. Anti-phishing, secure, passwordless, proximity-based wireless access token for computers/websites.Pricing:
- Paid
- $3.0 / Monthly (per User)
- Official Pricing
#Identity And Access Management #Access Control #Access,Control,Security,Privacy 3 social mentions
The master key to your phone, laptop, web accounts & more
#Identity And Access Management #Password Management #Password Managers